Far, far away in a remote continent called Antarctica lives Pokey, a tiny and quite little penguin, along with his girlfriend penguin. Unfortunately, one day evil bears and wolves sneaked into his igloo and kidnapped his girlfriend along with all the fish stored for the upcoming icy winter. Are you willing to help Pokey the penguin in his epic quest of retrieving his beloved one along with the fish?
Penguin Clumsy Penguin Quest - Ice Saga is 2014 app is a game whose main objective is to help little funny penguin get to a piece of ice flow where his beloved one along with the pirate treasure chest is located to colpete a level. Moreover, it is also very important to collect as many fish as possible along your journey. Join this marvelous puzzle game now and discover many individually designed levels to be figured out. In this straightforward, yet enjoyable, mini adventure.
How to play: Upon entering a level you will see objects coloured in gray. Before being able to interact with the said objects, you have to tap them to make them unlocked. Tip: you can lock and unlock any items as many times as you want to. It is very helpful in overcoming certain complex levels. After unlocking the penguin your main objective is to get him to the piece of ice with his girlfriend and pirate chest on it. Possible objects to unlock: penguin, ice blocks, rope with ice ball attached to it, clouds, etc.
Do you feel a chill? Come and join the fun with the cute and adorable Pokey the penguin.
Key features:
• Discover lots of completely unique levels
• Help our adorable penguin character find its way to the pirate chest
• Awesome hand-drawn graphics
• Complex and innovative game physics
• Addictive gameplay